Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Responsibility of Raising a Full Grown Frankenstein.

                If I were given the spectacular abilities of creating a monster out of the remains of various bodies, I would choose not to create anything of the such. Anyone who would want to create an atrocity of such should really get in touch with the consequences. Where would one house this being and what would he eat?
                To control a decaying coalition of flesh wandering around your property would be painstaking enough. The monster would need all the responsibilities of a child but amplified. His mindless groaning and careless outlook on your possessions would be enough to drive anyone to the brink of insanity. Why anyone would enjoy harbouring a putrid bag of bones is beyond me.
                Not to mention that his diet may possibly include a wide range of bodily organs. What to feed him would be the least of my worries. He may never quit experimenting with the local dogs or try a taste of raw human. You simply cannot find raw human on the market very easily like you used to, so the cost would be horrendous at best.
                 It may be only my opinion but I would certainly not want to create an atrocity of life like what Dr. Frankenstein accomplished. It is just too much trouble these days to afford to feed and house a grown monster like him. He would live on his own on the streets if I were to creaty such a being, he is old enough to take care of himself.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


               I am eager to read a classical book such as Frankenstein and I am excited about the opportunity I and my fellow classmates have been given. I have not read or seen any of the movies so I am clueless about the setting and characters. All I know is that there is a misunderstood monster who the near-by townsfolk are terrified of.
               The age of nineteen seems incredible for one to be able to wright a timeless epic such as Frankenstein. Although I believe that many other teenagers and young adults would be able to construct other master peices if they would strive to acheive greatness. Think of all the wonders that could be imagined if children these days would quit watching Jersey Shore.
               Man can indeed create life. Man has come to the point of where he is able to create and recreate living organisms by will (and some scientific assisstance), but does he have the rights to create life. Some argue that man is becoming too powerful and that man is "playing god". That is an arguement based solely upon the reader's personal viewpoint. I have no bais towards this and I do not lean towards or away from either side of the argument.
                Yeah, I believe in the sorcerer's stone. I have like 5 of them laying around in my bedroom. They're not that special. No, I don't believe in anything supernatural or any kind of magical stones, this is not Harry Potter.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


           Patience fits the year of 2012 because only time will tell what will become of today's world. Today's time is filled with uncertainty about the economy, Iran, North Korea and the 2012 presidential elections. Patience follows hope, which was a very popular word about three years ago. To have hope, you must also have patience.
            Though many Americans may have expected an immediate resolution to the economy due the the election of President Barack Obama, patience will be what keeps sanity within the homes of Americans. With the national debt seemingly insurmountable and various news sources giving credit and blame whether they are due or not, many Americans have lost their patience and ultimately given up hope. Hope is what keeps the seems within American society from unraveling. Patience allows hope to keep its positive message within the hearts of Americans. For those who have lost patience in the current leadership of America, hope replants itself during this year's elections and once again patience plays a key role in our society.
            Today's situation ,outside the boundries of the United States, has begun to unerve those who have not already been disturbed by the developing stories of the Middle East and the Koreas. Iran continues to pursue its nuclear ambitions while North Korea is becoming increasingly aggressive. Iran has been continuely harassing Israel. Israel has become very worried by the fact of Iran being possibly years within reach of a working nuclear weapon. The U.S. has demanded the relinquishment of Iran's nuclear program although Iran has stood firm in its pursuit. Patience may be the deciding factor between Iran standing down and possibly another war. North Korea's dictator, Il, has recently passed away. While widely considered a wing nut outside the totalitarian walls of North Korea, his replacement may be a sigh of god relief for the world or a gasp of shock and disbelief. The new leader of the struggling country will either be a step in the right direction for Korea or two steps back. Only time will tell and that's where patience plays its part.