Sunday, September 30, 2012

1st book review of the year

The novel that I am reading now is The Stand by Stephen King. I know, I know Mrs. Gillmore, I was reading this book last year but, I quit reading it early January and only finished about half of the book. The book is in 3 parts and I have no idea approximately where I quit in the book. So I have decided to merely re-read the book in its entirety rather than mindlessly wander around within the pages. Now back to the book review itself. The style in which Stephen King wrote this book details the stories of multiple characters instead of picking one single person and sticking to them. He usually bounces around from person to person just about every chapter. The prologue begins with a man named Chapion along with his wife and child. Based in some sort of military outpost within America, Champion unknowingly opens Pandora's Box after he was able to defy the lock down fail safe of the base in case of an emergency. Champion contracts a strain of military grade 'super flu' being designed by the government as an agent of biological warfare presumably. Of course the super flu was not intentionally released but that to is unknown. (I was just wondering about that myself since the book gives no correlation of foul play but i suppose that that does not matter now.) The super flu itself consists of a staggering 99.7% mortality rate and since it is the constantly adapting and highly contagious flu, I can assure you that we are in for a fun ride. Chapion contracts the flu to his famliy. They escape in a vehicle and stumble on into a gas station outside of a bustling metropolis. Chapion is already dead so the gas station attendees call for medical assistance. The flu jumps from Chapion to the gas station employees and the medical professionals. They take Chapion's carcass to the hospital and you can add one and one together. King is now focusing in on about 4 different characters, 4 in which I can tell you will be a part of the .3% survivor club. One being a mute-deaf kid who miraculously learned how to read and write. He awoke in an one horse town and inside an Arkansan jail house. Another is a young lady who just broke the news of being preggers to her father. Third being a young man who finds himself locked up in a government experimentation lab and that probably has something to do to his ability to resist the flu. *wink wink* ;) Last but not least, a young man who recently put out a hit single and is living the good life of partying, drugs, alcohol and loose women until he finds out that he has spent himself into debt. That's all for now.

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